As Advent Draws to a Close

In one of the Advent devotionals I’m reading this year, I saw an advertisement for a Bible study published by Lifeway. The ad contained an image of a mother and babe, seated on a donkey, accompanied by her husband. Next to this image was the simple yet powerful sentence,


The rescue begins.


I haven’t been able to get these words out of my head all Advent season. The rescue begins. For that is what we await during Advent – the rescue of mankind. The rescue of all those who will look on the tiny babe born in Bethlehem and see the Son of God, the Prince of Peace, the everlasting One, our Savior, who is Christ the Lord.


As we approach the longest night of the year, our anticipation for the coming of the Light of the world grows ever deeper. In just a few short days we will celebrate the birth of the One who burst forth into our world, heaven invading earth, to begin the rescue of mankind.



You will find my post for this week over at A Spacious Place, the blog of my friend Christie Purifoy. There you will find my reflections on these last days of Advent. Please do continue reading on Christie’s site. You will love her gift of making words come to life to express what you have always felt, but maybe just couldn’t quite articulate.


I also encourage you to buy one more Christmas gift this year, and treat yourself to the gift of Christie’s recently published book Roots and Sky: a Journey Home in Four Seasons. Her words are delicious, and the sentiments she expresses with her words are deeply filling. Here is a favorite passage that I dog-eared in my copy:


Dreams are a form that emptiness takes. They are the particular, unique shape of our own yearning. The emptiness itself is easy. We are born hungry. Hunger is the language of our infancy. Even adolescence can be summed up as a period of growing restlessness. But it takes years, a lifetime perhaps, to understand what we truly hunger for. To know the precise dimensions of that which will satisfy us.


…If God is my satisfaction, the end of all hunger, then why, if I think I have discovered him, do I wake on so many mornings still feeling so ravenous?


Happiest of Christmas wishes, and God’s sweetest blessings for 2017!



  1. caallyn

    I hopped over here from Christie’s blog and your writing.
    For me, much needed words, perspective .
    I have been too busy with activity and thoughts.
    Thank you.


      So glad you popped over! Enjoy and breathe in the joy of the season!

  2. Katie

    I am SO enjoying Christie’s book! Found it at our local Family Christian Store. It is filling my heart and lifting my soul:) Your closing question here has brought upon some serious spiritual evaluation. Thank you.

    • Bonnie O'Neil

      Katie I’m thrilled that you found Christie’s book and that it is filling your heart. You won’t be able to put it down!


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