Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction is an ancient spiritual practice that has variously been referred to as holy listening, soul friendship, and dusting for the fingerprints of God. Spiritual direction is an ongoing relationship with another person who is trained to help others become more attuned to the presence of God in their lives.
In spiritual direction, we seek to find God in the mundane rhythms of daily life, convinced that God isn’t only found on a Sunday morning. Spiritual direction helps us grow in our understanding of how God tries to communicate with us (whether we perceive it or not!) and helps us notice his movements toward us.
Unlike counseling, the primary focus of spiritual direction is not problem-solving; it is always our relationship with God. A spiritual director helps us recognize and respond to the movements of God in our lives. Because spiritual direction is seen as a prayerful conversation between director, directee, and God, engaging in spiritual direction helps us develop a vibrant and robust prayer life. Over time, working with a spiritual director can help us experience deeper interior freedom and grow in our ability to discern and make prayerful decisions.
Spiritual direction usually takes place in once-monthly rhythms over the course of an hour, either in person or via Zoom. Please contact me if you are interested in learning more about spiritual direction and how you too can discover the sacred within the ordinary.