Doing Good

Part 1 of a 4-part series on Psalm 37                                                   Trust in the Lord and do good.   It’s hard to do good when I’m busy fretting. When something is bothering me, all I seem to be able to think about is that thing. Worry...

God Has Been Good to Me

Last year’s joint birthday celebration, Dad turning 94 and Mom a young 38! Psalm 106:1-5; Psalm 71 I visited my parents today. My mom is 93, my dad 95, and they are both wheelchair-bound and exhausted. To say they have slowed down is a vast understatement. Our...

This is the Day

Psalm 118         I can remember singing a simple little song when I was a child called “This is the Day”. It was one of those catchy tunes with all the echoes and repeats that were so popular in the folk music of the 1970s. We sang it in the round in Sunday School,...

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