Ashes and Chocolate

  Chocolate and ash. Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday. An odd pairing, isn’t it? Inconvenient, actually. How do I celebrate Love’s Big Day with all the expected pomp of a fancy dinner, fine wine, exquisite desserts, and of course, chocolate,...

His Eye is on My Sparrow

I crossed a threshold in my life as a mother a few weeks ago. It was a moment filled at once with expectation at the adventure that lies ahead, and sorrow over what is understandably lost.   The moment came as I made the long journey from Philadelphia to Raleigh,...

Being the Beloved

I have been a bit grumbly lately. Well, more than a bit, if truth be told. A lot grumbly. Tired. Stressed. Worried. Dare I whisper it, afraid. I keep reminding myself that I’m living in a season of major transition, so my emotional responses are normal. They are to be...

In the Presence of My Enemies

  The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. And so begins one of the most well known passages of scripture. It is one of the first chapters in the Bible that I memorized as a child. The image of God as my shepherd is as comforting to me now as it was when I first...

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